Fierce Truth by Sybil Starr

Fierce Truth
Capricorn New Moon, Jan.1 2014

The New Year of 2014 is starting out with a bang. The New Moon occurs at 3:13 A.M. PST on Jan. 1, 2014 in Capricorn. This is a supermoon, meaning that the Moon is at its closest to the Earth. High tides and other intense phenomena can be expected even though the Moon itself is unseen. Unexpected emotions & feelings may rise from the unconscious during the 3 day period of the dark of the Moon, Dec 30th to Jan 1. This can be a very tumultuous time.

The New Moon sets the tone for the whole lunar cycle of about 29 days, and thus the effects of this Moon last the entire cycle. Astrologically speaking it is a very powerful New Moon as there are 5 planets in Capricorn, 4 of them conjunct, Sun, Moon, Pluto & Mercury. Venus, though not conjunct the other 4, is also retrograde in Capricorn. We will all experience the energy of the New Moon but those of you who have planets in the Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra at 7-17 degrees may have some very powerful energy and experiences in the next month. The grand cross involving, Uranus in Aries, Mars in Libra & Jupiter in Cancer will intensify this energy.

At the New Year, a ceremony called the “Burning Bowl” is often done. This New Moon’s energy supports this process. In ancient Rome, the God Janus, who was looking forward and backward, was honored. In the ceremony of the Burning Bowl we are being asked to look backward at the previous year and determine what we might like to let go of, what is no longer serving us, such as self-limiting beliefs, or emotions like anger or jealousy. These are written on a piece of paper then placed in a fire (candle) and released.

As we look forward, we ask ourselves what we would like to manifest or draw into our lives in the upcoming year. Some examples of an intention may be love, abundance, good health or the courage to follow our true path. Aligning our intention with Divine Will can help make “the impossible, possible.” It is very important to listen to our inner guidance, to ask Creator for the wisdom to understand Divine Will not just follow our desire nature. I know I have often said, “Thank God/ Goddess I did not get what I thought I wanted.” This is a powerfully magical time, so use it wisely and align your intention with Creator. Place your intention on your altar or someplace where you can look at this intention, pray and channel your energy into it.

The very powerful conjunction of 4 planets in Capricorn, the Sun, Moon, Mercury & Pluto, asks us do some deep inner work to connect with our most authentic self. Pluto represents our soul, a remembering of who we truly are. Mercury represents our mind and voice. This New Moon is asking us to find our voice and speak our truth. But we must first be honest with ourselves, free ourselves from illusions and stories that we ourselves have created. There are lies we tell ourselves because it is convenient but ultimately they create great unhappiness. We cannot speak our truth if we are not first truthful with ourselves. We cannot create change in the world if we cannot do it in ourselves first.

We are all a work in progress. Part of the work of finding our voice and speaking our truth is acknowledging injustice and calling it out. When we are connected to our deeper truth we cannot live in denial of what is going on in the world around us. The only real way to speak truth to power is to reclaim our own personal power, the truth of our authentic self.

It may seem the problems of this world are overwhelming and we can become discouraged. But we can make a difference, even if it is just by speaking up with friends and family who feel/voice bigotry and intolerance. Simply saying, “I cannot accept disparaging remarks about those who are different from us,” can be a start. The simple act of speaking truth have effects that ripple out. We have been controlled by fear for a very long time and prejudice of any kind is fear.

Fear is the opposite of Love; fear is what keeps us from Love. As we are called upon to find our voice and speak our truth, remember Love is also truth. Sometimes truth hurts and Love can be fierce. We need some fierce Love right now to help us bring ourselves and our world back into balance. Do you have the courage to speak your truth even if your voice is trembling? Can you love fiercely enough to be the change we have been waiting for?

Aho! May it be so.
Sibyl Star

About Suzanne

Suzanne Lewis, editor and manager since 2000. Suzanne is a Planetary Peacekeeper, an Agent for Conscious Evolution, a Spiritual Healer, a Mother, a multi - faceted artist (beads, gems to trade beads; guords star seed art; published author and Lover of Life for the sake of All our Relations.
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