Relationships A South Direction Observation

Relationships A South Medicine Story

I am thankful that in the midst of emotional pain, wisdom comes to light…

And I am thankful for the strength and the desire that guides me
through the birthing process, delighting in the person
I continually grow and evolve into…

And I am thankful for the support and counsel of my extended family;
it is a big gift to know that we don’t have to do this work alone;

So I speak to that which has come to light for me and
with which I wish to walk…

Being abandoned by those I love triggers my self esteem…
and this time I choose to see that having space from my partner
brings the gift of wisdom and clarity for what I want in and
what I want to bring to a relationship…

Love, unconditional and accepting,
Love, giving and receiving equally,
commitment to self and partner,
nurturing, supporting, encouraging,
vigilance for boundaries,
respecting and nurturing self,
owning and keeping.

Thoughtfully using personal power,
respecting and nurturing my partner,
a healthy forum for anger,
a constructive forum for resolving conflict,
allowing each to have their feelings,

Kindness and gentleness,
strength and vulnerability,
willingness to grow and evolve,
honesty, integrity, intimacy,

Shared spiritual connection,
good listening skills,
laughter and humor,
predictability, consistency,
stability and generosity,
commitment to joy, light, love.

I have discovered that we do relationships as a forum for healing wounds of childhood.

And the thought occurs to me that in the midst of being abandoned,
I know, in my heart, beyond any doubt that I am lovable and very loving,
that I deserve love from myself and from a partner capable of loving.

I can let go of choosing people who are unable to let love in,
because I now choose to let love in and I choose to know that I am lovable,
loving and worth having as a partner in a relationship.

I choose, as we all can, to do my healing in a loving, nurturing, supportive relationship.

About Suzanne

Suzanne Lewis, editor and manager since 2000. Suzanne is a Planetary Peacekeeper, an Agent for Conscious Evolution, a Spiritual Healer, a Mother, a multi - faceted artist (beads, gems to trade beads; guords star seed art; published author and Lover of Life for the sake of All our Relations.
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