Mild Cardiac Stunning Syndrome

Suzanne Lewis

Western Medicine labeled a heart condition as Mild Cardiac Stunning Syndrome recently. Enough cases have been documented that after a severe life situation whether death, diagnosis of illness or crisis in some people’s lives, they experience what initially is seen as a heart attack. Now their broken heart symptoms are being seen as a temporary result of extreme emotional situations. A person’s Endocrine System under stress dumps excessive hormones into the blood stream. This disharmonious blood flows into the heart where it stuns, it spasms the muscles in the heart and the individual experience more fear and vulnerability as the heart jolts, beats irregularly and temporarily debilitates equilibrium.
For decades since my own long illness with my Endocrine glandular system, I have been investigating stress—the hormonal balancer and bodily symptoms. In Oriental Medicine the heart is seen as the Master Regulator of the Endocrine complex of glands and their secretions. Western orientation states the Pituitary Gland, located in the brain is the controller.
What I am recognizing is first, how slow Western Medicine is to embrace the relationship to stress; whether mental, emotional physical or spiritual, is to our being and secondly, how arduous it is to speak a language that can be comprehended regarding the mysterious interchange between the glandular system and our chakra energy centers and one’s heart.
All the good books prioritize coming from one’s heart—the center of everything—ourselves, our world and our universe. Such an easy epitome “Love is all there is. Stay in one’s heart.”
I have noticed the more I deeply commit to be aligned with my heart, the more sensitive I am to it’s every quirk and jolt and spasm. Mild Cardiac Stunning—like riding a wild bronco—sometimes one can get thrown or have the ride of a lifetime.
Hold on but let go.
Have boundaries but know freedom.
Compassion with detachment.

About Suzanne

Suzanne Lewis, editor and manager since 2000. Suzanne is a Planetary Peacekeeper, an Agent for Conscious Evolution, a Spiritual Healer, a Mother, a multi - faceted artist (beads, gems to trade beads; guords star seed art; published author and Lover of Life for the sake of All our Relations.
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