As remembered by Suzanne

A Universal prophecy: Unity, Wholeness and achievement are the three sisters connected to corn, beans and squash. Whirling Rainbow Woman comes from all directions. Without rain the crops die. It is the promise of peace among all people all races are one.
Time of White Buffalo approaches—third generation of white eye’s children will grow their hair, speak of love as the healer of the Children of Earth. They will seek new ways to understand self. Wear beads/feathers/paint their face. They will be a sign that ancestors are returning in white bodies.
They will seek the Elders of the Red Race and drink of their wisdom…but they are red inside. They will learn to walk in balance with Mother Earth again and form reform ideas of White Chiefs. They will be tested by unnatural substances/firewaters to stay on the Sacred Path.
Flower Children—some have stayed on path
Return of Buffalo to Turtle island. Children of Flower Children will see the Fifth World of Peace. It will be wobbly at first, changes in water and earth will occur. Wobbling creates inside child rolling, emotions and feeling to quicken the remembering. Colorful dreams to warriors of rainbow, fear to some. One planet, One People!
Whirling Rainbow will appear as Sun Dog to those who are ready to see. Sun Dog very rare phenomena. Full rainbow around sun.
Time of White Buffalo. Sky language time to share sacred and secret teachings.
Many will remember their purpose for being on Earth Walk. Truth will shatter separation. Trust, follow heart with changes.
learning the truth
presenting the truth
organizing the truth
observing the truth
living the truth
working the truth
walking the truth
honoring the truth
loving the truth
serving the truth
being grateful to the truth
The Spirit of the people is returning and the Whirling Rainbow of peace is mending our hearts.
“When children lose sight of where we fit into Medicine Wheel, we lose sight of unified circle and how to live in a sacred manner.”
Stone People represent guardianship
Encircle self with rainbow, eye to truth, feet to path of beauty

About Suzanne

Suzanne Lewis, editor and manager Wholisticbodymind.com since 2000. Suzanne is a Planetary Peacekeeper, an Agent for Conscious Evolution, a Spiritual Healer, a Mother, a multi - faceted artist (beads, gems to trade beads; guords star seed art; published author and Lover of Life for the sake of All our Relations.
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