Turning the Wheel – Four Great Efforts

After the Buddha awakened to the non-dual view of reality at the age of thirty five, it is said that he sat absorbed in meditation for forty nine days plumbing the depths of this realization. Finally, moved by the motivation of compassion for those who lived in the delusion of duality, what Einstein called the prison of, ‘the optical delusion of consciousness that leads us to feel that our thoughts and feelings are separated from reality and which restricts us to our personal desired and to affection only for a few persons nearest to us,” the Buddha set forth into an active life of travel and liberating teaching for the next 45 years of his life.

Today is the anniversary of this monumental impulse of compassion and of his first teaching, the First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma, at the Deer Park near Sarnath and Bodhgaya in India.

It is taught that the effects of all ones intentions and actions today are multiplied by a factor or 10 million times, so we encourage you to be mindful, to dedicate yourself to ceasing to be a trouble-maker today, and to devoting yourself to awakening to your True Nature and Highest potentials and to helping others awaken to this same realization!

“Shakyamuni Buddha taught that there are four great efforts: the effort to develop; the effort to avoid; the effort to maintain; and the effort to overcome. In terms of the four great efforts;

– we develop the depth and scope of our understanding and experience of view (of non-duality) and intention (to realize this view and help others to do the same).

– We avoid, or let go of, unhelpful habits and neurotic patterning.

– We maintain our practice and try not to fall back into old patterns.

– We actively work to overcome our neuroses.

… Wholehearted effort in the practice of right view, right intention, right communication, right conduct and right vocation creates a sense of spaciousness. With this more spacious experience our attention becomes naked and direct. We start to find it easier to maintain our attention in all situations and experiences. We gradually find greater ease in bringing our attention back to the present moment and remaining there. It is not possible to be mindful of the present moment if we are always daydreaming or dull. Right effort, right view, and right intention help us to keep our minds alert and focused.”

– by Ngakma Nor’dzin Pamo

Meditation is a hot trend in the arena of mind-improvement. Mounting evidence that the practice can boost memory, creativity and IQ has attracted mainstream attention. “But gaining competitive advantage on exams and increasing creativity in business weren’t of the utmost concern to Buddha and other early meditation teachers. As Buddha himself said, “I teach one thing and one only: that is, suffering and the end of suffering.” But does meditation work as promised? Is its originally intended effect — the reduction of suffering — empirically demonstrable?” David DeSteno’s lab put that question to the test and he shares their intriguing results in this New York Times article.

Summer School with Michelle & Joel Levey

in the beauty and coolness of the Pacific NW.

“The work of Joel and Michelle Levey has long been a luminous thread in the fabric of the Great Turning. They embody in many ways this epochal transition to a life-sustaining society.”
– Joanna Macy, Deep Ecologist, Activist, Scholar, Author

Summer Learning Lab August 24-26, 2013

A rare opportunity for an Intensive Immersion in the Leveys’ Essential Guiding Principles, Practices, and Wisdom Teachings at Leveys’ home in Seattle

Over the years we have received numerous requests from sincere friends, colleagues, and students to have an opportunity to study closely with us in a more intimate and in-depth way to inspire their personal development and professional training. In response to these repeated requests, we are moved to offer this special Summer Learning Laboratory with us at our home in Seattle. In order to optimize this learning opportunity, we are scheduling this Lab to follow our 5-day retreat on Orcas Island (August 17-22). This timing will provide interested participants with the option of extending the Retreat into the Learning Lab for additional inspiration, deepening, reflection, and integration of the core teachings we will share. Click here for more details

Sacred Portals: Meditation, Nature, and Community August 17-22, 2013
Summer Residential Retreat with Leveys at Indralaya, Orcas Island, WA
Click for more details…

“You are presently engaged in work that has great prospects for bringing the Dharma (the inner sciences and technologies of human transformation) to a very wide section of people who may not under ordinary circumstances come into contact with these teachings.”

– The Dalai Lama, an advisor and supporter on a number of the Leveys’ projects


Summary of Public Teachings and Gathering

with Michelle and Joel Levey

August 17-22, 2013
Sacred Portals: Meditation, Nature, and Community

Summer Residential Program with Michelle and Joel

at Indralaya on Orcas Island
Info and Registration:

August 24-26, 2013

Summer Learning Lab w/Leveys in Seattle

An intimate gathering and learning intensive with Joel & Michelle at their Seattle home.

More info

September 29 to October 4, 2013

The Dawn of Interspirituality – An International Conference

At Cascadian Center – just north of Seattle – with Father Thomas Keating, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Mirabai Star, and other interspiritual pioneers – including Joel & Michelle Levey


October 14, 2013 – American Society for Anesthesiology Conference
in San Francisco

Mastering Stress, Preventing Burnout, and Promoting Resilience for Anesthesiologists and Perioperative Physicians

Italy w/Leveys – June 17-22, 2014
Enhancing Care Through Mindful Awareness, Compassion, and Healing Presence: A Seminar for Healthcare Practitioners – June 2014

A Special Workshop near Assisi, Italy for Physicians
and Health Care Professionals

About Suzanne

Suzanne Lewis, editor and manager Wholisticbodymind.com since 2000. Suzanne is a Planetary Peacekeeper, an Agent for Conscious Evolution, a Spiritual Healer, a Mother, a multi - faceted artist (beads, gems to trade beads; guords star seed art; published author and Lover of Life for the sake of All our Relations.
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